Seven of Those Given the Good News of Paradise Were Successful Traders
The best of the Prophet's Companions whom the Prophet shallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam had given the good news of Paradise were not not just ascetics, or of those depended on others for their sustenance; rather, they were so energetic and productive that seven of them were renowned merchants. Tujuh dari Sahabat yang Dijamin Masuk Surga (المبشرون بالجنة) adalah Pedagang Sukses Sahabat-sahabat terbaik nabi -- yang Rasulullah shallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam berikan kabar gembira/dijamin masuk surga -- tidak hanya asketis (hidup sederhana), atau yang bergantungan hidup dengan orang lain; sebaliknya, mereka sangat energik dan produktif, sehingga tujuh dari mereka adalah pedagang terkenal. Ketujuh orang tersebut adalah: 1. Abu Bakar Ash-Shiddiq radhiyyallahu 'anhu 2. Umar bin Khaththab radhiyyallahu 'anhu 3. Utsman bin 'Affan radhiyyallahu 'anhu 4. Abdurrahman bin 'Awf radhiyyallahu 'anhu 5. Zubayr bin Awwaam radhiyyallahu 'anhu 6. Thalhah bin 'Ubaydu